The joy of being outdoors

A few months ago, I learned about 'Forest Bathing.' Have you heard about it? It's the centuries-old practice of simply being among trees and in nature, of connecting to the bigger, natural world.

Here'sa Time magazine articleby the author Dr. Qing Li that describes Forest Bathing. In Japan, it's called shinrin-yoku, and it's been a "thing" for many cultures for many years.

I love the idea! My backyard is a typical, suburban backyard. It has bushes and trees, lots of flowers, and a fence around the perimeter. We've planted blueberry bushes, crepe myrtles, and many perennials in the 20 years we've been here. It's not a forest by any means, but it is an oasis. A place to connect to nature. A peaceful spot to see the bigger picture around me. My backyard is where I forest bathe every day.

And the chimes I've tucked here and there amidst the flowers are the melodies of my oasis. Music soothes, encourages, and calms me. And a good wind chime is music.  (Note: if your chime doesn't sound like music, call me! I can help you find a great chime in your budget.)

- Carolyn