A summer rest

BuyChimes will be closed next week. No shipping. No phones. No nothing.

As many of our customers who are also business owners know, it can be difficult to manage vacations and time away from the business. The summer is a wonderful time to take a break - but for us, it's also a busy wind chime season! In the past, BuyChimes has often closed down for shipping, but the phones and support services remained open. This year, despite a successful summer selling season (or is it because of it?!), BuyChimes is simply closing for week. (And then a few extra days to catch up on things!)

As Jeff put it so well... "If we're so focused on sales for a single week that BuyChimes can't REST, we're missing the bigger picture, Carolyn. Sales are good. Life is good." Well-said. Rest and time away is important. And we know that you agree!

We promise - we'll be back before you know it! August 11. Until then, we do hope that you also have a chance to rest this summer season. And if you think of it - tell us what you did! We'd love to hear your favorite summer 2011 moments!

- Carolyn

BuyChimes, LLC